Health in developing Asia and Pacific – the Role of the Asian Development Bank

23. July 2020, Webinar

The further improvement of the healthcare infrastructure in many Asian countries is one of the big megatrends of the coming years. The Covid-19 crisis will further raise awareness particularly among the developing and emerging countries of the region that better and efficient health care systems are essential also for their further overall economic development. This trend creates a huge market potential, especially for German companies from all health-related sectors.

The Asian Development Bank (ABD) as one of the world’s leading multilateral development agencies has responded to these specific needs and pays much greater attention to health issues in its new Strategy 2030. Additionally, the ADB has launched a number of “Covid-support funds”, which are aimed to assist the most affected states in their primary crisis responses. What does this mean in detail and practical for German companies?

The OAV, along with the GHA – German Health Alliance and the Asian Development Bank, would like to cordially invite you to a webinar on the role of the Asian Development Bank in the post-corona health architecture in developing Asia and Pacific. High-ranking ADB officials will give an update on recent changes in the health-related portfolios and are available for questions from the participants. During the seminar, also an overview of the general goals and procurement processes of the ADB is offered.

The participation is free of charge but a registration is necessary. The webinar will be held in English.