Talent Pool Asia

24. March 2017, Hamburg

<big>Digitalisation: Threat or Chance for German and Asian Enterprises?</big>

In the era of digitalisation, the whole working environment is undergoing major changes. Old structures and processes are challenged and newly defined. Multicultural teams work together across continents and physical as well as cultural boundaries, creating a multitude of new opportunities for German companies to make use of the vast “Talent Pool Asia”.

Initiated in 2013 by OAV – German Asia-Pacific Business Association and Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, the annual series of events “Talent Pool Asia” aims at expanding the dialogue between Asian and German business leaders on strategies to overcome the global skills shortage. Previous events have addressed topics such as “Gender Diversity”, “Skill Development and Diversity Management” as well as “Training and Retention of the Next Generation”.

The event is conceptualised as an exchange and learning platform for CEOs, HR and diversity managers as well as entrepreneurs from Germany and Asia.

Talent Pool Asia will be held in English and participation is free of charge. Following the event, a tour through the office of Google Germany GmbH is offered (optional). Since the number of seats are limited, we recommend an early registration.

The final invitation flyer with further details on the speakers will be uploaded soon.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our event.

Please register until 17 March 2017.


Registration deadline
Registration deadline: 17 March 2017
personal details
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